Nollywood Actor Jim Iyke explains how the name “Jim Iyke” was born

Nollywood actor jim Iyke’s real name is James Ikechukwu. in a recent interview, the actor gave details during an interview how he got the name “Jim Iyke”

He my name is James Ikechukwu Esmughua Okelue. Everybody goes with the name ” Okelue” which is his great grand father’s name.

He said he wanted to make a name for himself.

“I had strategies from day one when i joined the entertainment industry that if am going to embark on this journey, I’m going to go alone, face the trials that comes with it and if it works i will be in the center stage.

“if it doesn’t work, i’d have exempted by people from whatever comes with it. Now there’s an extension of it to my next generation, my sons.

“I was thinking and I said, how about if I’m so famous and can not walk around in public places, what would happen to my relationship with my sisters?”

That fueled my decision to do something different from my family name.

“I said you know what? What can I take away from my name? i was asking myself.

“OK ,James to Jim; Ikechukwu to Iyke that was how Jim Iyke was born.

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