New device by INEC will tackle election fraud, guarantee sanctity of the ballots

Cynthia Mbamalu – A passionate human and gender rights advocate #NIGERIA –  PAW 10:10 INTERVIEW SERIES – Phenomenal African Woman

Yiaga Africa says Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) to be deployed by INEC in subsequent elections will tackle election fraud.

This was made by Mrs cynthia Mbamalu the director of Programs, Yiaga Africa.

Yiaga Africa is a non-profit organization committed to the promotion of democratic governance, human rights and civic engagement.

Mbamalu’s statement reads:

“As presented at the meeting, this all-in-one technology is a multifunctional integrated device that serves multiple purposes for different activities in the value chain of elections.

“This includes serving as the INEC Voter Enrolment Device for voter registration and voter accreditation.

“This device replaces the Smart Card Reader and serves as the INEC Results Viewing Device.

“This recent innovation is worthy of commendation because it is designed to ensure full voter authentication on Election Day,’’ Mbamalu said.

“This will significantly reduce or possibly eliminate incidents of multiple voting, Permanent Voters Card buying, selling, and theft.’’

She said Yiaga Africa was optimistic that BVAS would further boost citizens’ confidence in the process and encourage citizens’ participation in the electoral process.

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